Griselda Palomera
Griselda has lived at Los Robles Apartments for seven years with her husband and her three children. Their family has been very involved in the community since moving into Los Robles. Her three children have been active at the learning center and her middle son serves at the learning center as a tutor helping with Study Stars.
Since the start of the pandemic Griselda has helped pack vegetables and food bags every Monday to be delivered to community residents. Because their family lives at Los Robles, Griselda is able to be a stay-at-home mom to take her of her children and continue inspiring them to pursue higher education.
Living at a CHW community has also given Griselda and her family the opportunity to focus on their financial well-being. At a presentation by a CHW financial coach, Griselda received financial education and was later able to open a savings account and get approved for a credit card. As a result of that class, she has established her credit history and is working toward her dream of owning a home.
Griselda is grateful for the support: “El apoyo que nos da (CHW) hace una gran diferencia. Nos informan y tratan de ayudar para que mejoremos.” (“The support that CHW provides us with makes a huge difference. They inform us and help us to become better.”)
Griselda and her family are a prime example of how CHW continues to build futures and push families up the pipeline towards financial mobility and stability.