Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you for interest in living in a CHW community.
If you are interested in living in a CHW community, here are answers to commonly asked questions.
Please call 2-1-1 or visit https://211sandiego.org/housing-information/ for information on ways to get help in a housing emergency. Community HousingWorks is not equipped to handle emergency housing situations.
When a community is "Accepting Applicants", it is accepting applications to be added to the waitlist. Accepting applications does not necessarily mean there are apartments available immediately to be moved into.
To see all apartments with an open waitlist, visit the Apartment Search page, click “All Communities” and choose “Accepting Applicants” under the Availability menu. You can also call the leasing office of the community you are interested in.
Waitlist times vary per community. Contact the leasing office of the community you are interested in for more information.
Unlike subsidies such as Section 8 housing where your rent is directly determined based on your income, our apartments have fixed, below-market rents established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the State of California. HUD monitors the rental markets and sets income limits for each county in the country and our affordable rents are adjusted annually based on that set of limits.
We understand that with income- and rent-restricted communities some of our applicants may have had credit challenges in the past or even presently. Our process does not screen out for medical collections, bankruptcy or foreclosure. Heavier emphasis is placed on payment of rent and utility obligations.