Financial Well-Being Programs
Providing support for resident financial success
Tools to help residents achieve their financial goals
CHW offers numerous programs to support your success:
- Rental Home Stability Program
- Credit Strengthening Program
- Rent Reporting
- Youth Financial Education
The Rental Home Stability Program (RHSP) provides eviction prevention to our residents who are facing a financial crisis. The RHSP is a six-month financial counseling program with the primary goal of stabilizing housing and finances to avoid legal eviction. 65% of residents enrolled in RHSP successfully remain housed.
- Help households at risk of eviction
- Help residents facing a financial crisis regain stability
- Payment Plan Program (Check with Property Manager if available)
- Referred by Property Manager
CHW resident: Please inform your Property Manager if you have difficulties paying the rent so they can initiates the referral process for RHSP.
This CHW program provides a sustainable, impactful, and scalable tool to CHW residents to establish credit, rebuild credit or maintain a good credit score. It offers residents an opportunity to use their rent payment on their credit report (similar to what homeowners who are having their mortgage payments tracked as part of their credit report history).
Benefits of the Credit Strengthening Program:
- Access to free credit reports (Initial, 6 and 12 months)
- Access to a soft-pull credit report (not affecting credit score)
- Access to the six-month coaching program
To apply and get a Free Credit Report:
Please Click Here and complete the form.
Additional resources:
Residents can benefit to start building their credit or establishing credit with every online rent payment. You can increase your score by the positive payments reported to the credit bureaus. Residents can opt in or opt-out at any time.
APTEXX is the property management software used to build efficiencies in the online rent collection process and to report on-time rent payments to credit bureaus for those residents that select to Opt-in to the credit-reporting feature (Check with Community Manager if available).
Pay Rent Online
Benefits of paying rent online:
- Pay rent on time
- Establish or increase credit score
- Prevent late fees
- Save time and money
- Mobile Payment
Post or Schedule payment
Residents can post or schedule a payment by ACH (electronic check) which has no fees which makes this is the most cost-effective option. This avoids monthly fees in using your debit or credit card on the App and the online portal.
How to Sign-Up in APTEXX
CHW Residents, Community management is always looking for ways to maximize your resident experience.
Please update your contact information (phone number and email address) with our community leasing team in order to register for APTEXX.
Visit: https://aptexx.com or download the APTEXX Mobile App to register.
How to Opt-in:
1- Log into your resident portal. Select “Pay Now”. Go to “My Setting.”
2- Under Rent Reporting choose “Sign Me Up.”
How you can get a Free Credit Report:
Please Click Here and complete the form.
Putting youth and young adults on the road to financial independence. Classes and activities are for ages 13-24 to help them learn to live a financially smart life now and in the future.
- Help youth manage their money more effectively
- Make positive financial choices to meet self-identified goals
- Establish savings
- Help with creating a budget
- Establish and improve credit
- Paying for education
- Career choices and vocational training
Our mission is a next-generation success, to fully educate our CHW youth and young adult to have a successful debt-free future, make the right choices, and not fall into the same categories as their parents due to the lack of financial education.
Explore key steps with young CHW residents (age 13-24) to take on the journey to adult financial well-being. If you are interested in enrolling in the Youth Financial Learning program, please click here and complete the form.